COVID-19 has caused building utilization by tenants and guests to drop significantly for many properties. As a result, building owners, managers, and operators are faced with how to ensure continuity of building operations, while at the same time producing financial savings.
The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) of Georgia Foundation has released a new, free guide to help property professionals achieve Operational Savings During a Time of Low Building Utilization. The workbook-style guide is designed to assist building management and operations teams in exploring tactics and strategies to decrease operating expenses; more easily complete needed maintenance and projects; and prepare for a return to more normal building utilization.
“The ideas included in BOMA Georgia’s new Operational Savings During a time of Low Building Utilization Guide are designed to provoke thought and conversation among property management and building operations teams,” says Gabriel Eckert, FASAE, CAE, BOMA Georgia Chief Executive Officer. “The new, free guide is one of many ways BOMA Georgia and the BOMA Georgia Foundation are providing resources that are essential to the success of individuals and companies in real estate. From our COVD-19 and Infectious Disease Prevention Resource Guide; to a series of videos on increasing effectiveness as a remote worker; to our recent webinar on Managing the Tenant and Customer Experience During COVID-19, and so much more, BOMA continues to be at the forefront of helping the real estate industry though this challenging time.”
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