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    CRE Insight 365, Webinars
    The Art of Emotional Intelligence February 1, 2024 | By: Dr. Stevie Dawn Carter Emotional intelligence is not a passive skill. It is about taking action in a way that supports empathy, compassion, and understanding of others. To access this post, you must purchase CRE Insight 365. [...]
  • Soft Skills/Interpersonal Developing a Marketing Mindset: How to Think Like a Marketing Professional January 29, 2024 | By: CRE Insight Journal Thinking like a marketing professional is a valuable skill that involves a holistic approach that combines customer understanding, data-driven decision-making, creativity, adaptability, and effective collaboration. In fa [...]
  • Technology Top Tech Trends January 22, 2024 | By: CRE Insight Journal With the rapid advancement of technology, the ways in which we live and work are quickly changing. To stay up with these changes, it is important to understand what type of technological advances are occurring and coming [...]
  • Leadership Building Strong Corporate Culture January 16, 2024 | By: Laurie Harper Corporate culture defines your organization. Creating a strong corporate culture at your company isn’t just a one-off initiative that your Human Resources department takes on. Your company culture needs to be deeply li [...]
  • Books / Blogs, Webinars Top 5 Webinars of 2023 January 8, 2024 | By: CRE Insight Journal With a growing catalog of articles, videos, webinars, publications, and other resources, CRE Insight Journal is an essential resource for real estate professionals. Below are the top five webinars from 2023, all of which [...]
  • Books / Blogs Top 10 Articles of 2023 January 2, 2024 | By: CRE Insight Journal With a growing catalog of articles, videos, webinars, publications, and other resources, CRE Insight Journal is an essential resource for real estate professionals. Below are the top 10 articles published in 2023.#10 [...]
  • Additional Insights Strategies to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions January 2, 2024 | By: Gabriel Eckert With the New Year underway, many of us set personal and professional resolutions to make positive changes in our lives. However, it can be challenging to maintain momentum and turn our aspirations into lasting habits. He [...]
  • Professional Development How to Be a Lifelong Learner December 26, 2023 | By: CRE Insight Journal In a rapidly changing world, the concept of lifelong learning has become increasingly important. Lifelong learners embrace continuous education and personal growth. They understand that learning is not confined to the wa [...]
  • Leadership, Soft Skills/Interpersonal Creating a Mentoring Culture in Your Company December 18, 2023 | By: CRE Insight Journal In today's competitive business environment, the success of any company relies not only on its products or services but also on the development and growth of its employees. Successful organizations today often focus on d [...]
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    CRE Insight 365, Soft Skills/Interpersonal
    ADEPT Communication: A Model of Communications for Young Professionals December 14, 2023 | By: Jonathan Burman You are starting out in a new company or new career. You want your light of positive energy and ideas to shine out like a beacon, compelling others to listen! You want to you tell the world about your skills and do it in [...]
  • Leadership, Professional Development How to Be a More Effective Presenter December 11, 2023 | By: CRE Insight Journal Effective presentation skills are a valuable asset and essential to success in many professional settings. Whether you're addressing a room full of colleagues, pitching a project to another company, or simply giving a sp [...]
  • Professional Development, Technology Keeping Up with Technology Trends December 5, 2023 | By: CRE Insight Journal In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying up to date with technology trends is essential for both personal and professional growth. Whether you are a tech enthusiast, a business owner, or just someone lookin [...]
  • Additional Insights Finishing the Year Strong: Strategies for Success November 28, 2023 | By: CRE Insight Journal As the end of the year approaches, from a business perspective, it is essential to reflect on the achievements of the last twelve months and prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead in the next twelve. Finishin [...]
  • Tenant Experience Amenitizing Your Building November 27, 2023 | By: Jamal Davis The commercial real estate market is vibrant and ever-changing. For building owners and managers, understanding how to stand out is crucial. Now, more than ever, it is important to begin amenitizing your building and sho [...]
  • Industrial Real Estate Industrial Real Estate: Key to Supply Chain Logistics November 17, 2023 | By: CRE Insight Journal Industrial real estate plays a key role in supply chain logistics, serving as the backbone of the global movement of goods and the efficiency of businesses. From distribution centers and warehouses to manufacturing facil [...]
  • Leadership, Soft Skills/Interpersonal The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership November 14, 2023 | By: CRE Insight Journal At its core, leadership is about understanding and connecting with others, motivating and inspiring them, and creating a positive and productive work environment that results in achieving operational and strategic goals. [...]
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    CRE Insight 365, Cybersecurity, Webinars
    CRE and Cybersecurity: Preparing for the Future November 9, 2023 | By: Fred Gordy What does the future hold for commercial real estate? Cybersecurity is a critical aspect of managing commercial properties and is more important today than ever before. In this webinar, Fred Gordy, Director – OT Cyber [...]
  • Professional Development, Soft Skills/Interpersonal Four Strategies to Develop Your CRE Career November 8, 2023 | By: Gabriel Eckert A career in commercial real estate (CRE) is highly rewarding, both personally and professionally. As the real estate market continues to evolve, there is increasing demand for a wide range of career pathways. If you're l [...]
  • Additional Insights Mallory Olds with Zeller Named a 10 to Watch November 6, 2023 | By: CRE Insight Journal Mallory Olds, Assistant Property Manager with Zeller in Indianapolis, Indiana, has been selected by CRE Insight Journal as one of the 10 to Watch in commercial real estate. The CRE Insight Journal 10 to Watch program rec [...]
  • Additional Insights Mackenzie Kovarik with The RMR Group named a 10 to Watch November 6, 2023 | By: CRE Insight Journal Mackenzie Kovarik, Senior Property Manager with The RMR Group in Chantilly, Virginia, has been selected by CRE Insight Journal as one of the 10 to Watch in commercial real estate. The CRE Insight Journal 10 to Watch prog [...]