This year, ENERGY STAR turned thirty, and it has been an incredible journey. To commemorate this occasion, ENERGY STAR began the second Certification Nation campaign to showcase companies who have certified numerous properties.
Now, the EPA has released a retrospective of the past 20-years of ENERGY STAR excellence, from the way properties have evolved to the impact the program. The EPA introduced ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® software in 1999 to benchmark energy performance. At the time, around 2,000 office buildings used the program, and approximately 90 of these properties went on to earn an ENERGY STAR certification.
Today, more than 280,000 buildings comprising over 27 billion square feet of space across 15 building types utilize Portfolio Manager, and more than 36,000 buildings now proudly display their own ENERGY STAR certification label.
Read more about the impact of ENERGY STAR across two decades now on
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