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- Safety & Security Homelessness and CRE: Understanding and Addressing the Challenges December 2, 2024 | By: Joseph Murphy In 2022, across America, at least 582,462 people were experiencing homelessness. Approximately 28-percent of this group were people living in families with children.Homelessness is rarely a choice and happens for a v [...]
- Safety & Security The Value of Security in CRE April 13, 2023 | By: Nikkia Russell, LEED GA Security professionals are critical in keeping commercial properties safe and secure, but they bring more value than what may be expected. In this video, the RMR Group's Associate Area Director, Nikkia Russell, LEEG GA, [...]
- Safety & Security, Technology Utilizing Technology in CRE Security February 2, 2023 | By: Jennifer Corbitt Technology offers numerous benefits to security officers in CRE, and using this technology to its full potential can greatly increase the efficacy of officer patrols, increase the safety of tenants, and provide a more se [...]
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Become a 365 member today. CRE Insight 365, Safety & Security, Webinars Adding Unexpected Value as a Safety and Security Professional January 12, 2023 | By: Laurie Harper, Jennifer Corbitt, and Nikkia Russell Safety and security professionals bring significant value to the properties and tenants they serve. Much of the value created is obvious; however, value is often also created in many not so obvious ways. In this session, [...] -
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Become a 365 member today. CRE Insight 365, Preparedness, Risk Management, Safety & Security, Webinars Property Hardening Seminar: Security in CRE August 1, 2022 | By: Joseph Murphy Hardening your property for extremes is a necessity, but this can take many forms. Preparing your property for the human element is integral to maintaining a safe and secure environment for staff and tenants. In this rec [...] - Preparedness, Risk Management, Safety & Security CRE Property Hardening: Understanding Security Threats and Risks July 28, 2022 | By: Joseph Murphy What are the threats commercial properties face? How can you track them? Join Joseph Murphy, Senior Vice President with Prosegur, as he discusses the threats and risks commercial properties face, and their probability.
- Books / Blogs, Cybersecurity, Technology The Proptech and Cybersecurity Guide June 16, 2022 | By: CRE Insight Journal This Proptech and Cybersecurity Guide from CRE Insight Journal curates a special collection of articles, videos, webinars, and other resources that equip industry professionals with the knowledge and resources needed to [...]
- Cybersecurity What to Know about Ransomware December 1, 2021 | By: Fred Gordy Ransomware is more than the occasional email, it can be a serious threat to building security and sensitive information for an organization. In this video, Fred Gordy, the director of cybersecurity with Intelligent Build [...]
- Tenant Experience Integrating Security Personnel into Your Property’s Operations and Customer Service November 1, 2021 | By: Owen Kavanagh Security personnel are the frontline to any incursion into the building, as well as the first person many tenants see as they enter. They are integral to the running of a building and help in more ways than simply securi [...]
- Cybersecurity, Risk Management, Technology Five Best Cybersecurity Practices for Properties and Companies August 9, 2021 | By: Alec Burchett Research from Gartner Inc. predicts that global cybersecurity spending will hit $170 billion by 2022. As this market grows, it makes sense to reason that the dangers in not observing proper cybersecurity habits are growi [...]
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Become a 365 member today. CRE Insight 365, Cybersecurity, Risk Management, Technology Five Cybersecurity Tips Every Professional Should Know August 5, 2021 | By: Molly Looman A data breach or cyberattack can happen at any moment on any person’s device. Depending on the technological set-up of the company, an infection that makes its way onto one person’s account can find its way to the wh [...] -
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Become a 365 member today. CRE Insight 365, Cybersecurity, Risk Management, Technology Types of Hackers and Implications for CRE April 6, 2021 | By: Mischka Pottinger-Brinson Remember when businesses kept lots of physical files? There were multiple file cabinets, sometimes basements full of important files. This became unnecessary with the emergence of the personal computer. We no longer need [...] - Healthy Buildings, Indoor Air Quality What Property Professionals Should Know about Germicidal UV February 3, 2021 | By: Bill Palmer There have been a lot of new technologies that have come to the surface when property professionals discuss air quality. Germicidal UV is one of them, but many people have questions about what it is, how it works and wha [...]
- Safety & Security How Security Can Best Work with a Property Team November 11, 2020 | By: Paula Petakos Communicating with a security team is an imperative part of the property management process. During the night, the security team can be the first to spot potential issues and alert you. During the day, they manage the in [...]
- Healthy Buildings, Safety & Security Security Changes Due to COVID-19 August 28, 2020 | By: Molly Looman Security has always been a vital part of the ecosystem of a building. Centered around safety and hospitality, security is responsible for guarding a property and ensuring tenant comfort.However, when COVID-19 meant m [...]
- Cybersecurity, Preparedness, Risk Management, Safety & Security, Technology 5 Cybersecurity Tips Every CRE Professionals Should Know July 31, 2019 | By: Molly Looman A data breach or cyberattack can happen at any moment on any person’s device. Depending on the technological set-up of the company, an infection that makes its way onto one person’s account can find its way to [...]
- Safety & Security, Technology The Role of AI in Security- Brent Boekestein July 29, 2019 | By: Brent Boekestein Artificial intelligence has been working its way into several technological advancements. But how can it affect the operations of a building? Brent Boekestein, CEO and Co-Founder of Vintra, says AI could lead to the new [...]