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- Operations & Maintenance, Roofing
Tips to Extending the Life of Your Roof October 23, 2019 | By: Molly Looman Making a roof last as long as possible is an attractive goal due to time and costs. With some preventative steps and continuous upkeep, a roof can stay solid past its warranty. Here are a few tips on how to keep your roo [...] - Design & Construction, Environmental Sustainability, Healthy Buildings, Operations & Maintenance, Tenant Experience
“Grow” Your Tenant Amenities by Adding a Farm September 18, 2019 | By: Molly Looman It is no secret that the expectations for office spaces are changing. As work environments continue to blur the lines between work and play, property managers and building engineers alike must consider new and innovative [...] - Operations & Maintenance
When to Outsource May 21, 2019 | By: Nicole Lloyd Property managers are increasingly interested in outsourcing certain O+M roles. It’s important, however, to consider the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. The following provides an overview of the benefits a [...] -
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On the Lookout: Five Risks for O+M Professionals to Watch at a Property May 15, 2019 | By: Nicole Lloyd Operations and maintenance (O+M) professionals oversee many critical components of a property. Their work ensures that a building runs well, and workers and tenants are safe. Because of this, O+M professionals should alw [...] - Medical Office, Operations & Maintenance
O+M for Medical Office January 1, 2019 | By: Zachary Mass Medical Office Buildings provide their own unique challenges for the operations and maintenance professional, but at their roots, they are just like many other commercial buildings. The focus for the operation of medic [...] - Operations & Maintenance
Preventative Maintenance Plan Basics September 10, 2018 | By: Zachary Mass It can be easy to be reactive when it comes to maintenance. As the old saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But waiting for the failure of a system for maintenance can lead to downtime, unexpected co [...] - Financial Management, Operations & Maintenance
Research for Operating Buildings May 23, 2018 | By: Jacob Wilder The real estate market remains on an upward trajectory. Operations professionals may find themselves in a scenario where they are contemplating a staffing increase. Questions that commonly arise around such consideration [...] - Operations & Maintenance
Benchmarked: High Performance Through Data Tracking May 22, 2018 | By: Nicole Lloyd Building owners and managers are always looking for ways to improve both the performance and sustainability of their properties. Data tracking is a great tool to achieve these goals. By regularly monitoring certain aspec [...] - Operations & Maintenance
What do Your Back of the House Areas Say About Your Maintenance Program? May 10, 2018 | By: Nicole Lloyd Most have few issues maintaining public areas, seeing as they’re the main spaces that customers or tenants see. But the state of the back of the house areas is just as important and can provide you with valuable feedba [...] - Operations & Maintenance, Roofing
6 Steps to Optimizing a Preventative Maintenance Program January 23, 2018 | By: Lee Cope When developing emergency preparedness plans for buildings, it’s easy to think about tenant safety in regards to fire, storms, natural disasters, workplace violence and the like. While each of these considerations is e [...] - Operations & Maintenance, Safety & Security
Preparing for OSHA Rule 1910 January 7, 2018 | By: David Vences Edvard Munch painted a figure with an agonized expression set amongst a tumultuous orange sky landscape commonly known as “The Scream.” This painting has a few meanings, but to me, it depicts an overwhelmed person in [...]